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Saturday, 13 February 2010

Selected publication 2008

59. Repka, Victoriya, Ivchenko, Olga, and Sherstnyuk, Andrey Experiment results of Kohonen’s map efficiency for pattern visualization in Bionics Intellect, Vol. 1(68), 2008, pp. 143-148 (in Russian) .
60. Repka, Victoriya, Mishin, Alexey, and Maryin, Sergey The functioning of a user interactive communication program agent in a Distant Learning System in Bionics Intellect, Vol. 2(69), 2008, pp. 95-100 (in Russian) .
61. Repka, Victoriya, Kliushnyk, Kateryna, and Kozopolyanska, Anna The agent model of testing student knowledge in Distant Learning System in Bulletin of Kherson National Technical University, Vol.1(30), Kherson, 2008, pp. 417-421 (in Russian) .
62. Repka, Victoriya, Liskonog, Anna, and Brovkovich, Elena System of management of the international distant education process in Bulletin of Kherson National Technical University, Vol.1(30), Kherson, 2008, pp. 427-432 (in Russian) .
63. Repka, Victoriya, Lesna, Natalya, Ivchenko, Olga, and Sherstnyuk, Andrey Analytical system for supporting crediting process in bank in Bulletin of Kherson National Technical University, Vol.1(30), Kherson, 2008, pp.427-432 (in Russian) .